Gambling at a Casino
The term "casino" derives from an Italian word that means "little house". Modern casinos feature restaurants, shops, and even entertainment events. Early casinos were known...
The Wild West™ Gold online slot game
The Wild West™ Gold online slot game is the latest addition to our popular Gold Series where the scene is a frontier town in the...
Slots – What is a SLOT?
The SLOT acronym stands for'slave of technology.' The phrase refers to people who cannot live without their electronic gadgets. Many young urban teens fall into...
The Basics of Poker
Poker is a family of card games in which players compete to make the best hand according to the rules of the game. The earliest...
Why People Love to Gamble at a Casino
While you can find many different ways to gamble, there's nothing quite like the excitement of a Casino. It's unlike Internet or lottery gambling, as...
How Payback Percentages Are Calculated For Slot Machines
Slot machines use a random number generator (RNG) to choose symbols. They can have as many or as few stops on each reel. They also...
Learn the Basics of Poker
The best way to learn how to play Poker is by trying a few of the variations available. For example, there's a silly version of...
How to Earn Comps at a Casino
The number of games in a Casino can be staggering. Some have a monopoly on the best games and make their entire business on them,...
What is a Slot?
The term "slot" is used to denote a grammatical function. It can fit any morpheme sequence. The term can also refer to a job opening...
How to Avoid False Opening in Poker
When you are holding a monster hand, it's best to check instead of raising preflop, and when a set has just flopped, you should always...