10 of the World’s Most Expensive Casinos

The world’s most exclusive casinos offer high stakes glamour along with opulent suites and spas. From Venice to Monaco to Singapore, here are 10 of the biggest that have made an indelible mark.

Casinos are entertainment complexes that house and operate gambling games, such as blackjack, poker, baccarat, roulette and slot machines. They can also host live entertainment and feature restaurants, bars and other amenities. Most modern casinos have a security force that patrols the premises and a dedicated surveillance department with closed-circuit television systems. Casinos are also regulated by law and must follow strict security protocols to prevent criminal activity, such as money laundering and illegal gambling.

Gambling, in some form or another, has been around for millennia. Evidence of dice-based games dates back to 2300 BC, while card games started showing up in Europe in the 1400s. Modern-day casino games like baccarat, blackjack and roulette are based on mathematical probabilities, which give the house an advantage over the players.

While not everyone who visits a casino will play at the tables, those that do will want to have the best possible experience. This is why casinos have developed a number of amenities to attract and keep customers. They include floor shows, free drinks and all-you-can-eat buffets. Some of the most extravagant have even thrown in plush rooms and spas to make their guests feel like royalty.

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